etcd release guide

The guide talks about how to release a new version of etcd.

The procedure includes some manual steps for sanity checking, but it can probably be further scripted. Please keep this document up-to-date if making changes to the release process.

Prepare release

Set desired version as environment variable for following steps. Here is an example to release 2.3.0:

export VERSION=v2.3.0
export PREV_VERSION=v2.2.5

All releases version numbers follow the format of semantic versioning 2.0.0.

Major, minor version release, or its pre-release

  • Ensure the relevant milestone on GitHub is complete. All referenced issues should be closed, or moved elsewhere.
  • Remove this release from roadmap, if necessary.
  • Ensure the latest upgrade documentation is available.
  • Bump hardcoded MinClusterVerion in the repository, if necessary.
  • Add feature capability maps for the new version, if necessary.

Patch version release

  • Discuss about commits that are backported to the patch release. The commits should not include merge commits.
  • Cherry-pick these commits starting from the oldest one into stable branch.

Write release note

  • Write introduction for the new release. For example, what major bug we fix, what new features we introduce or what performance improvement we make.
  • Put [GH XXXX] at the head of change line to reference Pull Request that introduces the change. Moreover, add a link on it to jump to the Pull Request.
  • Find PRs with release-note label and explain them in NEWS file, as a straightforward summary of changes for end-users.

Tag version

  • Bump hardcoded Version in the repository to the latest version ${VERSION}.
  • Ensure all tests on CI system are passed.
  • Manually check etcd is buildable in Linux, Darwin and Windows.
  • Manually check upgrade etcd cluster of previous minor version works well.
  • Manually check new features work well.
  • Add a signed tag through git tag -s ${VERSION}.
  • Sanity check tag correctness through git show tags/$VERSION.
  • Push the tag to GitHub through git push origin tags/$VERSION. This assumes origin corresponds to “".

Build release binaries and images

  • Ensure acbuild is available.
  • Ensure docker is available.

Run release script in root directory:

./scripts/ ${VERSION}

It generates all release binaries and images under directory ./release.

Sign binaries, images, and source code

etcd project key must be used to sign the generated binaries and images.$SUBKEYID is the key ID of etcd project Yubikey. Connect the key and run gpg2 --card-status to get the ID.

The following commands are used for public release sign:

cd release
for i in etcd-*{.zip,.tar.gz}; do gpg2 --default-key $SUBKEYID --armor --output ${i}.asc --detach-sign ${i}; done
for i in etcd-*{.zip,.tar.gz}; do gpg2 --verify ${i}.asc ${i}; done

# sign zipped source code files
gpg2 --armor --default-key $SUBKEYID --output ${VERSION}.zip.asc --detach-sign ${VERSION}.zip
gpg2 --verify ${VERSION}.zip.asc ${VERSION}.zip

gpg2 --armor --default-key $SUBKEYID --output ${VERSION}.tar.gz.asc --detach-sign ${VERSION}.tar.gz
gpg2 --verify ${VERSION}.tar.gz.asc ${VERSION}.tar.gz

The public key for GPG signing can be found at CoreOS Application Signing Key

Publish release page in GitHub

  • Set release title as the version name.
  • Follow the format of previous release pages.
  • Attach the generated binaries, aci image and signatures.
  • Select whether it is a pre-release.
  • Publish the release!

Publish docker image in

  • Push docker image:
docker login
docker push${VERSION}
  • Add latest tag to the new image on if this is a stable release.

Announce to the etcd-dev Googlegroup

  • Follow the format of previous release emails.
  • Make sure to include a list of authors that contributed since the previous release - something like the following might be handy:
git log ...${PREV_VERSION} --pretty=format:"%an" | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's#,#, #g' -e 's#, $##'

Post release

Last modified April 26, 2021: Fixing broken links (#203) (ae1b7f6)